Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest Unveiled: Pinning Down the Dollars

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Disclaimer: This article may contain affiliate links. If you choose to purchase anything through the links below I may receive a small commission at no cost to you. However, these are all tools/services I have tested and the opinions in this article are all mine and not colored by any monetary incentives. You can read my full affiliate disclosure in my Affiliate Disclosure.

Hello, Pin-visionaries! <img draggable= Ever caught yourself dreaming about turning those carefully curated pins into cash? Let’s dive deep into the vibrant world of Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest. Can your favorite virtual scrapbook really double up as your next side hustle? Together, we’ll explore the strength of Pinterest as more than just inspo boards, unveil pro-tips for affiliate success, and spotlight some real-life pin-pros who’ve struck gold. Ready to uncover whether Pinterest can indeed be your affiliate goldmine? Let’s start pinning those profits! <img draggable=<img draggable=



What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing strategy where individuals or businesses earn a commission by promoting other people’s products or services. When someone makes a purchase through their unique affiliate link, the affiliate receives a percentage of the sale. It’s a win-win situation for both the affiliate and the product creator.


The Power of Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform with over 400 million active users. It’s a goldmine for affiliate marketers due to its highly engaged audience and the ability to drive traffic to external websites. With its focus on visuals, Pinterest allows affiliates to showcase products and inspire users to make purchases.

advertising alphabet blog business

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest

    1. Choose a niche: Select a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise. This will make it easier to create compelling content and connect with your target audience.
    2. Join affiliate programs: Sign up for affiliate programs that offer products or services related to your niche. Some popular affiliate networks include MAXBOUNTY, MarketHealth, SellHealth, Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction.



Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest 101:

    1. Create a Pinterest business account: If you haven’t already, convert your personal Pinterest account into a business account. This will give you access to valuable analytics and other business features.
    2. Optimize your profile: Optimize your profile by using relevant keywords in your bio and adding a link to your website or blog.
    3. Create eye-catching pins: Design visually appealing pins that stand out in the Pinterest feed. Use high-quality images, compelling headlines, and clear calls-to-action.
    4. Write compelling descriptions: Craft keyword-rich descriptions for your pins that entice users to click through to your affiliate links.
    5. Pin consistently: Consistency is key on Pinterest. Pin regularly and engage with other users by repinning and commenting on their content.
    6. Track your results: Monitor your analytics to see which pins are performing well and adjust your strategy accordingly.



Tips for Success

When starting with affiliate marketing on Pinterest there are a few things to keep in mind:

    • Find a niche. It’s easier to find a niche related to your hobby when marketing on Pinterest compared to for instance blogging, because you don’t have to worry too much about competition and ranking.
    • Focus on quality over quantity: It’s better to have a few high-quality pins that resonate with your audience than a large number of mediocre ones.

    • Use relevant keywords: Research and use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions and board titles to increase your visibility in Pinterest search results.

    • Follow the rules of Pinterest and don’t SPAM.

    • Join group boards: Joining group boards in your niche can help increase the reach of your pins and attract more followers.

    • Engage with your audience: Respond to comments, follow other users, and engage with their content. Building relationships with your audience will increase trust and loyalty.

    • Test and optimize: Continuously test different pin designs, descriptions, and strategies to find what works best for your audience.


Case Studies

To illustrate the potential profitability of affiliate marketing on Pinterest, let’s take a look at a couple of case studies:

Pinterest Case Study

    1. Case Study 1 – Fashion Blogger Erika
    2. Niche: Fashion and style
    3. Affiliate programs: RewardStyle, ShopStyle Collective, Maxbounty, ShareSale
    4. Strategy: Erika The Fashion Blogger creates visually stunning outfit inspiration pins and links to the products featured in the outfits. She consistently pins and engages with her audience.
    5. Results: Over six months, she earns $2,000 in affiliate commissions. Not massive amounts, but she also have a blog that is constantly getting more traffic. The best thing is that the pins continue to make money month after month and as she creates new ones, old pins continue to bring in revenue.
    1. Case Study 2 – Home Decor Enthusiast
    2. Niche: Home decor and interior design
    3. Affiliate programs: Wayfair, Amazon Associates
    4. Strategy: She creates boards with different themes like “Cozy Living Room Ideas” and “Modern Kitchen Inspiration.” She pins products and links to the affiliate websites.
    5. Results: Within a year, she earns $5,000 in affiliate commissions and she’s now on her path to making a steady 1000 a month. It’s no easy feat, but with the right tools much of the work associated with finding images and pinning can be automated.




    Is Affiliate Marketing on Pinterest Profitable?

    The profitability of affiliate marketing on Pinterest depends on various factors, including your niche, the quality of your content, your marketing strategy, and your ability to engage with your audience. While it may take time and effort to build a successful affiliate marketing business on Pinterest, the potential for profitability is certainly there. The examples above shows the kind of profitability Pinterest can bring.

    By leveraging the power of Pinterest’s visual platform, optimizing your pins and descriptions, and consistently providing valuable content, you can attract a loyal following and drive traffic to your affiliate links. However, it’s important to track your results, experiment with different strategies, and adapt as needed to maximize your earnings.



    Summing up, affiliate marketing on Pinterest can be a profitable venture if approached strategically. By choosing the right niche, joining relevant affiliate programs, and creating visually appealing pins, you can attract an engaged audience and earn commissions from your affiliate links. Remember to focus on quality, engage with your audience, and continuously optimize your strategy to maximize your earnings.

    So, if you’re ready to monetize your Pinterest account, give affiliate marketing a try and see the potential for profitability unfold before your eyes!

    About the author

    This article was written by Martin Sand, a marketing coach and affiliate SEO with 20+ years of experience ranking his own- and client websites. 

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