Martin Sand's
Seo Expert Consultant & Online Marketing Coach

3x Steps To Online Business Success...
Having a profitable online business doesn't have to be hard 'n' complicated. Just follow these three relativly easy steps...
Getting your blog or website search engine optimized right out of the gate for immediate success...
Hooorah - Your site is up and running. Time to monetize it. Find the best ways to monetzie your site for quick profits and long-term residual income...
Make your (new?) online business soar with our growth hacking tips. Discover the secrets to separate time from money through outsourcing and automation - so you can do fun things - and make more profits in the process...
The 2067 AI Machine
With nearly twenty years of providing digital marketing services to happy clients, and after running this website since 2004, I have probably seen (and done!) most errors you can imagine when it comes to search engine optimization, WordPress sites and online marketing in general.
Through trial and error (and rigorously testing!) , costly mistakes and continuously learning and educating myself and my team I can ensure you that working with us you are backed by a team of highly skilled Norwegian (me!), US & UK based marketers who truly live and breath the art of online marketing - and SEO and Adwords PPC marketing in particular. We're not some fly-by-wuzzies ... we're flame spitting dragons, we're marketing dinosaurs with the brains of a 2067 AI Machine... We are the Kings and Queens of Search Engine Marketing!
Now that we’re rebuilding this website and setting it up under a new brand – Martin Sand's MWTS - we wanted to move beyond the usual “buy our services” type of web site and focus more on advice you can implement yourself to bring your own sites to the top of the search engines. We are still doing consulting and marketing for our clients and we will strengthen our position in the coming months and years, but we have also realized that our fees now are at a certain level which not everyone can afford.
While we used to cater to individuals and smaller businesses, we are now focusing more on Smaller-to-medium sized business, bigger businesses and website owners already bringing in good revenue but who seek our help to make their businesses even more successful.
Really… we don’t care if you are a successful affiliate marketer, a company already raking in seven figures a year or even a blogger start up as long as you treat your marketing and online presence serious enough to have a budget set aside for SEO.
Regardless of whether you want to hire our team or just learn more about SEO and how to run an Online Business stay tuned over the next months and enjoy our content…
What Are Past & Current Clients Saying?
We were skeptical at first, but when the leads [from] the first PPC campaign came rolling in we were sold. Since then we have used Martin and his “geek-team” for both PPC and SEO on two more websites…

Rüdger W.
Lead generation expert and owner of multiple casino affiliate sites
We had three pages hovering around page five of Google and six pages ranking on page one and two before we contacted you. Each page ranked for one or two keywords each. Now we have 133 keywords ranking on page one [top 10] with 50+ in top three positions. And it’s growing from month to month. THANK YOU!

Levi Bitton
Full-time webpreneur
Contact Us
– You will be surprised to see what we can do for your business.
A Bit Of History…
You can read about our history in the About Us section but to make it short: We have run this site for nearly fifteen years minus a couple of years when it was actually owned by a Chinese marketing company who eventually dropped the site and we bought it back to give it a fresh start!
We started focusing on webtraffic services from various partner networks. From that we grew into search engine optimization services and eventually providing Adwords PPC for our already existing SEO clients.
As everything was being run as a one-man-band there was a limit to the number of websites we (or “I” more precisely) could work on at any given time, but the pay from the handful of clients were sufficient at that time and with high retention rates there really wasn’t any need to go out and hunt for new clients. At most I had to recruit two new clients each year to stay at the same level. I had no intention for MyWebTrafficShop to grow and I was happy.
Too Many Eggs in Too Many Baskets…
However, at one point around 2013 we got more and more questions about Social Media Marketing and if we also could help them out with this.
Sure we could.
But it was time consuming and being a one-man consulting company we (or “I” once again...) traded time for money and comparing the time spent versus the money made, we generated less dollars per hour worked.
The solution? To hand the social media marketing over to a third party.
That worked well for a while, and the guys we partnered with was a top notch, small town, marketing company in the mid-west USA.
However, it was hell managing everything.
On top of that, we also had in excess of one hundred online properties, affiliate sites which we owned, we had to run traffic to, optimize, track, improve… It was just too friggin’ much.
Gettin’ Off The Hamster Wheel…
So in 2017 most of it was shut down or sold.
We kept a few sites just to “have a business…”
But to save money we stopped paid marketing.
Including for this website.
How stupid is it possible to be?
When you stop doing marketing – either with time or money - you also halt your business.
“To Stop Marketing To Save Money, Is The Same As Stopping Your Watch To Stop Time”
– Non-Verbatim Quote from Henry Ford
Get Rid Of It!
I made up my mind and decided to shut everything down.
All – and ABSOLUTELY ALL – online properties were handed off.
Then I stepped back and didn’t think about online marketing at all for one year.
Except for staying up to date with the latest SEO trends and updates.
In 2019 planning the “new empire” began, based on the premise “less is more.”
Thrive For Excellence
I scribbled down some “rules” for the new company and services to thrive for excellence:
Total Focus.
Excellent Service.
Strategic Collaboration.
Let me explain…
Total Focus: SEO and Link-Building.
We rock this already and can offer these services to our selected clients. This is our number one focus.
But what about Adwords PPC and Social Media?
Adwords: We already have Google Certified Adwords experts onboard running ads for our sites and existing SEO clients. They do it darn good. However, in order to open this to the public we need a bigger team. So when the new team is trained and managing these aspects of the business better than me, then – and only then – will we open our Adwords PPC Services to the public.
What about Social Media? Social media signals still play a role in search engine ranking. That’s why I’m interest in social media. But it is also a great way to build brand awareness and get leads, traffic and even sales. There are guys and gals out there making seven figures a year from social media marketing alone. So we have hired some awesome young marketers with a proven track record to handle social media marketing for our clients. They’re darn good at what they do, btw.
Excellent Service
The focus, and thorough education, training and testing of our team and services before they are unleashed to the public guarantees that whatever service we offer, we stand behind it one hundred percent.
We Increase Your Rankings.
We Bring The Leads.
We Get Results.
Strategic Collaboration
We have spent the last months and years nurturing- and developing excellent working relationships with SEO, PPC and SMM experts in the UK and US to bring you solid services.
Our services and their results for our clients are always overseen by myself and clients can always talk directly with me, Martin Sand.
We bring results!
Want to know how we can grow your business? Contact Us.
Simple and Easy.
We Bring Results
Whether it's full stack SEO, monthly coaching or just a short phone call (or screen share!) to solve a specific problem - We always strive for the best. Want to work with us?