Twitter marketing takes a gentle touch, which a lot of old school marketers don’t seem to understand. When Twitter first started out, it was filled with blatant marketing techniques, the likes of which worked for a short period of time, until the Twittersphere began expanding, and then those techniques became just plain annoying. Since then, a certain code of ethics for Twitter marketing services has emerged, and if you abide by them and know how to leverage them with a solid Twitter marketing plan, then you’ll see great results. However, if you don’t know about them or ignore them, then you’ll spend a lot of time not gaining any results whatsoever.

The problem with Twitter marketing is that a lot of people out there — especially businesses — know that Twitter is important, but they don’t know really why it’s important or how to use it. So, they seek out professionals to handle their Twitter marketing. However, the businesses seeking help have a certain level of ignorance that so-called Twitter marketers like to exploit. So, let’s look at some of the things a business should watch out for when they’re seeking twitter marketing services.

  • The Follower Fumble – Being successful on Twitter is all about the followers right? Not exactly. Many people approach their Twitter marketing plan with the goal of getting tons of new followers, as if their merit and success is based off of how high that number is. But, this just isn’t true and if a company that offers Twitter marketing services can’t shut up about how many  followers they’re going to get you rather than how to effectively market you, then watch out because they probably don’t know what they’re doing. Twitter is more about brand awareness and communication with current/potential customers and clients in a quality over quantity way than it is gaining useless followers. 100 quality followers trumps 1,000 useless ones.
  • The Direct Message Blues – The worst thing you can do on Twitter is send out direct messages with blatant marketing messages to your followers on a frequent basis. Not only do people find this annoying, they will find it rude unless the direct messages are few and far between and, when they do occur, hold immense value such as time sensitive information. There is a certain etiquette on Twitter that must be followed in order to be successful.
  • Low Tweet Quality — Marketing via Twitter is all about listening and fostering community with your followers, and encouraging them to share your content. It’s not about standing up on a podium with a megaphone and screaming out, “Gather ’round, ladies and gentleman and let me tell you about this new cure all snake oil!” The worst mistake many companies make when handling clients’ Twitter accounts is that all of the tweets are marketing messages — there is no interaction with followers, no questions being asked, and no fun competitions being presented.

If you experience any of the above situations when it comes to finding a business to handle your Twitter marketing services, then you’ll know right away that it’s not someone you want to do business with. Luckily, the folks over at EdgeRunner Marketing are Twitter marketing professionals and know exactly what to do in order to effectively market your business on Twitter, engage with your customers, provide realistic growth and goals, and submit tracking reports that demonstrate progress and what your customer base wants and are talking about.

If you want the best Twitter marketing services from a team of professionals that actually knows what they’re doing, Contact Us Today.